Non-Governmental Organizations

Économie sociale Laurentides

Recognized as a privileged interlocutor on social economy issues at the regional level, Économie sociale Laurentides promotes dialogue between the various players in the field and supports the creation of conditions favourable to this entrepreneurial development model. In doing so, as a hub of the social economy, ÉSL participates in the vitality and economic diversification

Économie sociale Lanaudière

Économie sociale Lanaudière is a place to exchange and share experiences, a learning organization at the service of its members and partners. Économie sociale Lanaudière directs social economy project leaders to the appropriate resources and supports the efforts of those working on the front lines in the development of social economy enterprises in Lanaudière.

Économie sociale Bas-Saint-Laurent

Économie sociale Bas-Saint-Laurent is a consultation and networking organization whose mission is to promote collective entrepreneurship and the social economy as vehicles for regional development.

Espace entrepreneuriat collectif

Espace entrepreneuriat collectif’s mission is to promote collective entrepreneurship, while fostering dialogue and partnership between local, regional, and national social economy stakeholders in order to harmonize interventions and maximize their impact.


English-Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and creates opportunities for English-speaking artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Québec. We share expertise and resources for career advancement, funding opportunities, employment opportunities, and calls for participation in the arts. We advocate for our members’ interests and make

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC)

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) is an association, focused on its members, that unites, engages and leads the co-operative movement by advancing its priorities nationally, as well as internationally, through International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). Our goals are to build bridges, break barriers, and create durable opportunities for the co-operative sector in Canada.

Coopérative de développement régional du Québec (CDRQ)

The CDRQ’s mission is to support and promote the creation and development of cooperatives in all regions of Québec. We do this by offering specialized support for existing cooperatives and for promoters of new projects.

Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM)

The Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM) is a provincial cooperative with special status. It is officially recognized by the Quebec government as one of the privileged partners in the social economy. Mission: Founded in 1940, the CQCM is the democratic body that Quebec’s cooperative and mutual networks have created to

Conseil d’économie sociale de l’Île de Montréal (CESIM)

Le Conseil d’économie sociale de l’île de Montréal (CESIM) is Montreal’s social economy development organization whose mission is to promote and expand this movement. Its mandate is to promote and support the emergence, development, and consolidation of social economy enterprises and projects, while fostering dialogue and partnerships with local and regional stakeholders. Recognized by the