

After noticing the high drop-out rate among women entrepreneurs and the closure of a number of women’s entrepreneurship organizations, the Startop team decided to come up with new solutions to help retain women in business and ensure the survival of feminist nonprofit organizations. Startop’s mission is to guide and help women become more aware of

YES Employment + Entrepreneurship

YES is a non-profit, community-driven English-language service provider that has been helping Québecers find employment and develop as entrepreneurs since 1995. Our mission is to help English-speaking Québecers reach their potential. At YES, we give you the skills and confidence to develop a personal career or business strategy through workshops, personalized coaching, and so much

Unité de travail pour l’implantation de logement étudiant (UTILE)

Our mission is to develop and operate affordable student housing in addition to studying the matter and promoting the issues relating thereto.

Transfer COOP

Transfer COOP is an initiative of Réseau COOP, the federation of cooperatives led by Québec workers, with a mission to accompany these cooperatives through all the stages of their development.

Table régionale d’économie sociale de Chaudière-Appalaches (TRÉSCA)

TRÉSCA’s mission is to promote the social economy, to support the development of collective enterprises, and to encourage their emergence in Chaudière-Appalaches.

Startup Montréal

We are Startup Montréal, your key player in the Montréal entrepreneurial ecosystem. We were formed from the merger of two major organizations: the Montréal inc. foundation and the non-profit organization Bonjour Startup Montréal. Firstly, Montréal inc., a foundation that has helped young businesses since 1996 with grants and a network of several hundred volunteer coaches.

Sollio Cooperative Group

Rooted in the regions and leveraging our collective strengths, we contribute to feeding people and bringing prosperity to farming families while ensuring that the world has a sustainable future.

Société de Crédit Commercial Autochtone (SOCCA)

SOCCA is a non-profit corporation firmly established among First Nations since 1992. SOCCA offers financing products and services in the form of non-refundable contributions, term loans and coaching to start, acquire, or expand Aboriginal businesses. Our Mission: To be a strategic partner that offers financial services and advice adapted to the needs of our Aboriginal

SHIFT Center for Social Transformation

The SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation supports existing and emerging social transformation initiatives that unite the efforts of Concordians and their partners with the goal of creating a more just, inclusive, and broadly prosperous Montreal.

SEIZE (Solidarity Economy Incubation)

SEIZE stands for Solidarity Economy Incubation (feel free to add the words for Zero Emissions at the end if you’re an acronym purist). We are a member-based democratic organization that serves a thriving community of solidarity economy organizers and entrepreneurs in Montreal.Our mission is to advance the transition from capitalism to a more sustaina ble,

Secrétariat à la jeunesse du Québec

The mandate of the Secrétariat à la jeunesse is to advise the government on matters pertaining to youth and to help the premier in carrying out his responsabilities in this area. Also, the Secrétariat ensures the coordination and follow-up of governmental action in this area.

Réseau d’informations scientifiques du Québec (RISQ)

Supporting the emergence, growth, and consolidation of social economy enterprises, RISQ is a proud partner in business successes reflecting the interests and values of Québec communities. It serves as an essential financial lever across Québec! Mission: To contribute, with our expertise, to the development of social economy enterprises in Québec by providing accessible financial tools

Réseau des SADC et CAE (SADC + CAE)

The Réseau des SADC et CAE is a network of 57 Community Futures Development Corporations (SADCs) and 10 Community Business Development Corporations (CAEs), not-for-profit organizations that have been working in economic development in the regions of Québec for more than 40 years. Its 400 professionals and more than 600 passionate volunteers support projects and innovative

Regional Development Network (RDN)

Founded in 2019, the Regional Development Network (RDN) is a provincial non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing socio-economic development for English-speaking communities across the province of Québec. Supported by a network of regional English-language organizations, RDN collaborates with federal and provincial governments and municipalities as a way to represent its network’s needs and challenges and to

Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN)

Established in 2008, the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN) is a collaborative network of researchers, stakeholders, and educational and other institutions that improves understanding of Quebec’s English-speaking communities and promotes their vitality. Mission: QUESCREN provides opportunities to promote the understanding and vitality of Quebec’s English-language minority communities through research, training, knowledge mobilization, networking and

Pôle d’économie sociale Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent

The Pôle d’économie sociale Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to:

Pôle régional en économie sociale du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (PRÉS)

The mission of the Pôle régional en économie sociale du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (PRÉS) is to promote and enhance the social economy as a business model among regional development players, social economy enterprises, the next generation of entrepreneurs, and the general public. It also aims to foster skills development, concerted action, and partnerships between local and regional

Pôle régional en économie social de Laval

The Pôle régional en économie sociale de Laval is an incorporated organization whose mission is to consolidate and oversee the development of the network of social economy enterprises.

Pôle jamésien d’économie sociale

The mission of the PJÉS is to develop the social economy in James Bay. It promotes and values this entrepreneurial model to ensure the economic diversification of the region.

Pôle d’entrepreneuriat collectif de l’Estrie

The mission of the Pôle, established in 2006, is to develop the social economy in Estrie. In addition to promoting this economic model, we support the emergence of entrepreneurial initiatives based on human values. We support the region’s collective enterprises by increasing their visibility and offering them activities for sharing best practices and management development.