Investissement Québec, whose mission is to contribute to the economic development of Québec, is at the service of local businesses. Whether you want to expand, develop an R&D project, or obtain working capital, our team can offer you financial solutions to help you achieve your ambitions!
Created in 1983, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ is a development capital fund that calls upon the solidarity and savings of Québecers to help fulfill its mission to contribute to Québec’s economic growth by creating, maintain or protecting jobs through investments in small and medium-sized businesses in all spheres of activity. The Fonds also seeks …
Since its creation in 1996, Fondaction has been based on the belief that it is not only possible to do things differently in the financial and business world, it is a necessity. Fondaction helps Québecers prepare for retirement by offering affordable retirement savings to everyone. The savings collected are invested in companies across Québec. This …
English-Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and creates opportunities for English-speaking artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Québec. We share expertise and resources for career advancement, funding opportunities, employment opportunities, and calls for participation in the arts. We advocate for our members’ interests and make …
The CDRQ’s mission is to support and promote the creation and development of cooperatives in all regions of Québec. We do this by offering specialized support for existing cooperatives and for promoters of new projects.
Collective enterprises make the difference for people. The Consortium makes the difference for collective enterprises. We believe that every collective enterprise should have access to the specialised services it needs. We bring together under one roof all the professional expertise relevant to the consolidation and development of collective entrepreneurship and offer it at the right …
The Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM) is a provincial cooperative with special status. It is officially recognized by the Quebec government as one of the privileged partners in the social economy. Mission: Founded in 1940, the CQCM is the democratic body that Quebec’s cooperative and mutual networks have created to …
The mission of the Chantier de l’économie sociale is to promote the social economy as an integral part of Québec’s plural economy and, in so doing, contribute to the democratization of the economy and emergence of this development model that is based on the values of solidarity, equity, and transparency.