The following list includes upcoming workshops and courses available that may be pertinent to social economy enterprises serving the English-speaking communities of Québec. The mention of any specific organizations or training opportunities is solely for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement by SEEnet or RDN nor does it imply discrimination against similar organizations or training opportunities not mentioned. If you have questions or if you have opportunities to suggest for inclusion, please reach out to us.

March 27
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. 
(1 hour) 

Midi conférence : Tourisme et loisir. Des moteurs économiques et sociaux pour le Québec? (Lunch and Learn conference: Tourism and Leisure. Economic and Social Engines for Québec? / in French)

Tourism is an engine of development for Québec’s regions but also a strategy for revitalizing certain areas at risk of decline. In addition to attracting tourists, collective entrepreneurship can mobilize a community’s vital forces to develop an attractive, authentic offering that creates positive spin-offs for the community.   

Join CDRQ for this Lunch and Learn conference to discover the importance of tourism in our economy, inspiring examples, and resources to help develop sustainable tourism.   

For the past two years, Andrée Pelletier and Geneviève Turner have been working together to bridge the gap between collective entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism as part of PASTEL, the Plan d’action secteurs stratégiques tourisme et loisir. Their joint presentation will be based on the work of PASTEL and the dossier produced by Tourisme durable Québec.   

Is this for you?  

  • Professionals in the ecosystem supporting collective entrepreneurship – Do you support entrepreneurs, advise projects, finance initiatives? This session is for you!   
  • Collective entrepreneurs – Are you passionate about your project and want to develop it in a sustainable way, capitalizing on your region’s tourism potential? Then join us! 
  • PASTEL partner – You’ve already been involved with PASTEL and would like to keep informed of the program’s progress and new opportunities? We look forward to hearing from you!

(20 hours + 1 hour coaching) 

Mécanismes de contrôle en gestion financière (Control Mechanisms in Financial Management/ in French)

Keep an eye on your finances! That, in a nutshell, is the objective of this distance learning course in French on financial management control mechanisms. Funded by the Fonds de développement et de reconnaissance des compétences de la main-d’œuvre (FDRCMO/CPMT) and the Caisse d’économie solidaire, this 20-hour course enables you to put in place a procedure for:  

  • Establishing effective and efficient control mechanisms (related to financial management, including fraud) 
  • Maintaining them, while adapting them to the organization’s changing financial situation.   

All managers will then have in hand the essential elements for managing their organization’s risks. 

(Around 20 hours + 1 hour email coaching) 

Gestion financière – OBNL (Financial  Management – NPO/ In French) 

Decipher your NPO’s financial situation with this flexible, practical training course in French. Lasting around 20 hours, it is designed for anyone responsible for financial management (board member, administrative officer, etc.) and can be taken at the learner’s own pace at a time and place that suit the learner. Video presentations, documentation, knowledge validation questionnaires, and support from a chartered accountant are all on the menu. Topics include financial planning, understanding and analyzing financial statements, and accounting concepts. 

What does this distance learning course in financial management consist of? The course comprises 4 modules:

  • Accounting practices 
  • Deciphering your financial statements 
  • Scrutinize your financial situation 
  • Plan your finances 

Tax aspects are not covered. This is a continuing education course whose main objective is to consolidate and put into practice the financial management knowledge needed to run an organization. This training is asynchronous, in the sense that it does not offer simultaneous communication. The learner is completely autonomous and can therefore follow the course wherever and whenever.  

This course is also available for co-ops.


Check out our podcast and video series to learn what the social economy is and to see examples of social economy enterprises.